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Old 12-05-2009, 10:07 AM   #36 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Leadville, CO
Posts: 509

Maroon Ballon - '98 Chrysler Town & Country LXI
90 day: 26.42 mpg (US)

MaEsTRO - '95 Geo Metro 5spd hatch, 3 cyl
Thanks: 47
Thanked 54 Times in 38 Posts
The first thing I noticed in my Metro is that even though it was 4F outside, the engine fired right up at the touch of a key. It warmed up pretty quickly and I hit the road.

That said, once I got up in the mountains I parked it for about 20 mins, and the temp gauge was already almost all the way down. That was quick even in this weather. I had just driven for an hour and a half at WOT.

There's comparatively little mass in the 3 cyl engine, and no insulation, so I don't see an easy way of storing the heat in there for any length of time.
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