No sir you are wrong. by definition that is not lift that is simple a pressure gradient. I spent my early life designing and building model airplanes and took 3 years of AE. this is one area where I do have a small amount (and it is pretty small) of knowledge.
a tear drop has ZERO base drag designed properly. Drag is ZERO.
Parasitic drag however is non zero. IE surface drag and induced drag via the pressure gradient. drag does not equal drag. There are many forms sources and variations of drag.
a symmetrical object by definition can not generate lift. ITS SYMMETRICAL. you have to make it NON SYMMETRICAL to gain lift. with a symmetrical wing airplane we do this with INCIDENCE of the wing and angle of attack.
this is why a flat plate wing can fly why a paper plane can fly.
a base ball produces ZERO lift a golf ball produces ZERO lift. unless you SPIN them which uses parasitic drag to effect the pressure profile and generate lift but thats another subject all together. (think curve ball and "slicing")
this is where you guys are getting confused his is why you guys are unclear and this is why you are mistaken.
your not fully grasping what drag is and the fact that there are many UNRELATED forms of drag at play on our cars.
Parasitic Drag has nothing to do with Base drag etc.. etc...
you also do not understand how drag is effective and added up in the equation of overall drag.
you think an aero cover reduces drag. It does not. While the effect is reduced drag the cover did not reduce it. The cover stopped it from every being created to begin with by removing the blunt tail.
while it sounds semantic in discussion mathmatically its a night and day difference.
the produce of lift by the curved aero cover has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the reduction of drag by not letting it be formed by a blunt rear shape base drag.
they are UNRELATED.