Originally Posted by Christ
Does a brick maintain attached flow? (Joking, of course.)
If I correctly understand what you're saying, the brick is neutral because it's shape is evenly proportioned on all surfaces along the stream, correct?
Completely OT question - Since wind forces can erode a surface, would a sufficient high speed wind eventually turn a clay brick into a teardrop profile?
The brick (aligned with movement direction) is neutral because the surfaces are all either perpendicular to flow or parallel, so no surface is making lift or downforce. Most importantly, the top/side/left/right are creating no drag except friction, and the back is not creating anything but vacuum. Is it reasonable to say that angling the top side will increase drag by increasing lift? No... you're decreasing drag.
I don't think a brick would erode into a teadrop. The most force and erosion is always going to be on the front face.