the two pin connector is the Jumper for the diagnostic mode, ie jump that connector, turn ignition on and the CEL light blinks out codes if any are present.
the three pin one is for Dealer/factory use, it connects to the Honda proprietary scan tool.

This is just a ground block, all the wires going to it are grounded (usually found in the engine bay near the passenger headlight). There should be a small metal tab near the blank end that you mount to the chassis.
As far as those ignition wires...did you figure out the pink one? I can check my 92-95 diagrams and they may be the same.

That is the vacuum purge solenoid for the charcoal canister (EVAP system) One end goes to a small brass barb on the back (firewall side) of the intake manifold towards the brake booster side. and the other hose goes to the charcoal canister on the firewall under where your Underhood fuse box is.
I just looked through my diagrams...the only mention of a pink wire I could find was the power wire color for he SRS system from the under dash fuse panel.
But the Harness that runs to the ignition switch is a 7 pin connector and runs from the ignition key cylinder to the top of the fuse box, and I swear it had a pink wire in it along with WHT/BLU, BLK/YEL, and some other wires to give you a reference.