Just for fun I plugged some numbers into a lift equation:
I used a Tempo for the area figures and a Holden Commodore's front lift coefficient... just because I have nothing better.
Worked out to 19.6 lbs front end lift at 60 mph FWIW if I did it right which is remarkably close to my WAG of 20.
Grows to 78 lbs front at 120 mph. No worries, 2.3 a/t Tempo won't see 120 mph unless it's going off a cliff.
Recall, about 2000 lbs down force on the front end via gravity.
Yeah, 20/2000=1%.
I should add, how to define "front end" area? I used the total length/2. I suppose do the calc again for the rear, add em, and get total lift.
Last edited by Frank Lee; 12-07-2009 at 10:42 PM..