Originally Posted by cfg83
Doesn't London have a carbon fee also? I remember the Jeremy Clarkson paying one on Top Gear.
I believe the whole UK has a carbon fee. I remember someone here explaining it. The limit was 100g/km I think.
I'm waiting impatiently for Warsaw to close its center to traffic. Only the main historical street is supposed to be closed to all vehicles except busses and taxis, but noone enforces it

Plus there is talk of allowing electric cars to use the bus lanes. Number of electric cars in the Warsaw area = 4. And that's all, folks. I personally only take the car into the center when I have to pick up something heavy, other than that it's always train or bus. When we went to Cracow we parked a few kilometers away from the center and walked. Not because we had to, but because we wanted to. To set an example.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I don't know why they don't simply promote condom use. 
Because cars don't use condoms
There are many reasons: Shortsightedness, religion, "cultural standard" of at least 2-3 kids, "'cause I didn't have one with me at the time", Why adopt when you can make your own?, etc. Go talk to the Catholic Church about it. I can't imagine mass producing more people just to hear how the stressed Earth groans under their weight, while at the same time there are thousands of innocent kids in orphanages. But that's my personal view.