Got some of the big stuff done today so it looks like I made good progress. The gas tank mount took a long time to make. I had to put the tank in place take a few measurements then move the tank to the other side of the garage and make the bracket. Then put the tank back in and go to the next part. I probably made 25 trips across the garage carrying that tank
The floor was easy, just run some braces across and slap a floor on it. The floor is made out of 2 dryers. I have a washing machine and a water heater left to get more floor material from. I figure the washing machine and the last panel from the dryers will be enough to finish the floor back to the gas tank. Then I can unwrap the water heater skin and use that for the trunk area. If I run out of metal I can always get on my atv and go drive around the creek and find another one to drag home. Sometimes living in an area where dumping an old washer in the creek is considered a normal way to get rid of them can be handy I guess.
I am using a bender from harbor freight. They are cheap enough to buy 2 of and grind, fill and modify one set of dies to do exhaust pipe and tube. Then the other set can be used for pipe and conduit.