Originally Posted by vpoppv
Well, it got me to work today; however, my batteries are really scaring me. Voltage drop gets so low, I'm afraid to even use the car anymore. But then, I remember how much I paid for the batteries and.....well, I pretty much drive at 5-10 mph now just to make sure I don't pop one. I try to keep voltage above 50v. When I got back yesterday though, I had a battery at 11.6v To be fair though, it was between 19-30 degrees the last couple days, which is pretty exceptionally cold for around here. It will be back up to a more normal 40 tomorrow.....
PS: Build a 72v car already, you know you want to!!!
You should insulate the batteries. I got a sheet of 1" blue insulation board from Home Depot to insulate my batteries, and it made a HUGE difference. The batteries get warm by driving and charging, and the insulation can keep them warm for a long time. This past fall it was about 55F at night when charging, but my battery pack was around 88F during charging when I woke up in the morning.
Right now it's 34F outside and my batteries are at 52F, and they have been sitting since yesterday, and it's been snowing since then and the EV is not garaged. My guess it that it would be around 60-70F if I left it to charge over night.