Thanks, but that doesn't move me toward my ultimate goal.
I guess I haven't carefully stated what it is that I'm trying to accomplish, which is this:
I'm trying to modify a vehicle to get the absolute best fuel mileage for the absolute fewest dollars invested. The vehicle has to be able to meet legal requirements and operate daily in a real world situation of operating at highway speeds, when necessary, and have enough power to get over 11-12,000 ft mountain passes and be able to travel up to 250 miles a day easily.
So far I have a little over $500 invested in a 95 Geo Metro 3cyl 5spd with winter tires. A different instrument cluster would be nice, but it wouldn't cost effectively move me toward my goal of higher FE. An MPGuino might, and that is what I'm hoping to find out. Will an MPGuino give me the info I need for tuning my driving style in this car, or is it ineffective without a tach or vacuum gauge?
Last edited by thatguitarguy; 12-10-2009 at 01:59 PM..