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Old 12-10-2009, 08:00 PM   #33 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Why don't you disable the alternator except when the brake lights are on?

Then you have a kind of poor mans regenerative braking.

You could also bypass this to re-enable the alternator if the battery voltage goes too low.

I bet you find that battery charging with the equivalent of the "pulse and glide" is more efficient.

Your motor is usually more efficient at higher load. So by only turning on the alternator into a relatively discharged battery you are charging with the highest possible mechanical load. The power efficiency of battery charging is also best with discharged batteries. Going from 50% to 80% you get back a lot of what you put in.
Going from 80% to full not so much.

On the other hand it is bad for many batteries to be in a discharged condition so a deep cycle would be the best choice. If you had a big deep cycle and a relatively small motor or live in a warm place and run synthetic oil you should still have enough CCA to start in the AM

Once you take out the alternator you are kind of stuck for range. I drove a car this way for years back and forth to work, till I fixed the alternator. Bit of a pain though.
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