(edited on may 2012 on page 7)
EDITED 12-16-09:
Before you start this project let me make some suggestions:
1. get you car up in the air before you ever start. find some out of the way shop with a lift and ask if you can buy 1 hour of time. Believe me, it will be the best $20-40 you''l spend
when you have it up, take measuremets. coroplast is 4 ft x 8 ft which allows you to lay large single sheets. Figure out mounting points.
take pictures from the ground up. onlt take closeups for detail. A faraway9from the ground level helps peek it all in perspective.
2.some have used wood as mounting points. others use aluminuum straps. I have used aluminuum angle for some of my bracing.
3. try to install using the same lift. it will cut your time in half (probably more) crawling around is a major time consumption
4. have a red or green perm marker to mark measurenent points .
5. buy more suppliies than you'll need...keep you reciept and return
6. when intalling have cheap duct tape from dollar store to test hold things in place before you start drilling holes all over!!!
i.spent the morning measuring and cutting cardboard templets. THen went out to get coroplast and supplies. They had yellow 5ft x 2 ft scraps so I also got 2 sheets of yellow 4 x 8.
The 2011 Audi A8 is my insperation and so I knew I wanted to do a color!