Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
Time isn't important to me, now that I'm retired. You working stiffs should realize that $7 or $8 an hour isn't all that factors into the equation. You're giving most of that money to enemies of America - Venezuela, Iran, Russia, China, etc. You're risking a $400 or higher speeding ticket. Your risk of getting into an accident goes up about 25%, and when you have that accident, your risk of serious injury goes up about 50%. All that to save (on most commutes) about ten minutes.
Most of the money is going to Canada, our #1 oil supplier.
You have a point with the accident risk and speeding tickets. But why not split the difference and drive the speed limit?
If you're going 62 in the middle of nowhere, fine. But with enough traffic, you are messing up normal traffic flow and increasing risk and fuel use for other people. I don't know what all the impacts are of a single hypermiler putting along below the speed limit, causing other people to brake, change lanes, pass, etc-- but it sounds like a good study for a traffic engineer.