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Old 12-12-2009, 05:56 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Tables: Elevation/ Temperature

Here's two more tables to add to the confusion.
The one on the effect of barometric pressure as a function of elevation is from my physics text.I threw out the really high altitude stuff and added resolution to the grid for better accuracy.The data set to create the curve is not mine,it's part of the original text.
Elevations listed would cover Pike's Peak Summit,Colorado,USA and a little above.

The second table depicts how temperature falls with increasing altitude for constant barometric pressure.Again,the curve comes from published data for temps at given elevations.
As you travel about over mixed terrain,during different weather conditions and such,hopefully,the three tables will help everyone digest the atmospheric dynamics which go on around us as we travel.
A potential glitch was pointed out for the first table that I posted yesterday.I'll look into that when I get home.

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