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Old 12-13-2009, 03:43 PM   #171 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Christ View Post
winkosmosis -

Read the last sentence of the first part you bolded in that quote.

" At 62 mph it's only 1/16th psi which is unlikely to generate much force on all but the craziest of aero packages. "

That's 1 lb per 16 sq inches of added contact surface (in plan view) of added downforce. The only real advantage is pushing less air under the car, more out and around/up and over it, into less turbulent areas, so less energy is being used to compress air between the road and the car, and there is less of a venturi effect.

That's cool and all, but you could lower your stagnation point without a lip/chin spoiler or splitter, just by changing the shape of the bumper.

But that small increase in topside downforce comes with a big decrease in underside lift.

Yes you can change the shape of the bumper but a splitter is easy and cheap

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