Electro-magnetic has nothing to do with electric motors. Although magnets are cool, I'm confused by magnets in the cylinder more than outside. They'd have to be recessed into something to be helpful and that limits size or block integrity or possibly pistons(!?). The dual batteries could push out 15hp but not for long. 15hp from even dual batteries is like running your starter constantly, the battery will run out of capacity fast at that rate.
Making 400hp even BHP is pretty impressive from a Naturally Aspirated Mustang, it is on ethanol

but it's still a round number making it less believeable. MPGe is a big problem with his comparison. E85 is .7:1 gallon of 100% Gasoline. There's no way 2 gallons of E85 going 103 miles qualifies as MPGe. Even a hybrid-electric would be proud to get that on a test drive. No it's either MPGe or he's running something special that keeps the car going at cruise. 137 MPG is extremely hard to believe without knowing how fast he was going etc, but even at 60mph in a Mustang air/rolling drag is only 170 watts per mile. 86% efficient is extremely hard to believe for anything except Electric powered.
30% is a very random number, why would you do that? All of the test drives I've seen get pretty realistic aka poor MPG out of test cars. So if somebody went 103 miles(a pretty good pre-test) and only used 2 gallons of fuel, there's something going on under the hood. An auxillary gas tank or fuel container(like batteries) might make logical sense, but it'd be more likely farther back somewhere than in the engine bay. The tester should have taken the car to a scale and done several measurements before and after just as a precaution.
It is possible to move a Mustang 100 miles on 2 gallons worth of E85(27kw-hr) if you got say: 200 watts per mile(approximately what an electric Mustang would get MPGe), including all drag components and 85% drive-train losses. But to generate that much work the engine(since we know it is running) has to be 37% efficient. As you may know ethanol engines can be that efficient but running on one cylinder would require some way to leak compression otherwise the drag from compressing air would ruin any benefits. His 137MPGe numbers are either phony, something???, or MPG of gasoline...
I'd be much more likely to believe this his idea had merit if it was just a very efficient ethanol ICE or something simpler. Simple, for lack of a better word is generally the best way to design something. But if he's getting hi-power magnets by injecting electricity into them running an electric motor, that'd be cool too. Or something equally hi-tech, I'd be surprised if it could be build to be cheap or reliable so it'd better be fast and/or efficient.
I once considered if it was possible to increase a magnet's field by injecting electricity into it. The Earth has a magnetic field albeit a weak one, if you could just increase a magnets base field enough you could possibly compensate enough to "ride" the magnetic field. Electro-magnetic comment made me bring this up.
You probably heard about the one cylinder ICE that had combustion chambers on both ends and ran a "floating piston" pass "something" maybe it was a magneto I'm not sure, that generated electricity from the piston's back and forth movement for recharging BEVS. It doesn't sound very efficient to pull the piston back and forth with a perpendicular magnet at these low torque events. So I doubt that's what the magnets are doing.
It is a good idea to keep an eye on his progress, especially if it's a scam. I wouldn't discount it because no one made it popular or turned it mainstream already. There are still many things that are better but are just not popular. Most people IMHO are idiots and easily surprised by something simple but better. Most new technology is run off due to simple problems like the inventor can't manage his cash or even getting investors or market the thing. Worse case, I think back to Tesla's AC vs Edison's DC or Alcohol vs Oil. In both cases a one was chosen as the primary technology not because they were better in every way but they excelled in one way that shined, but usually because they were cheaper then everything else. Hence why DC is still very popular despite AC being better. And oil was competing with alcohol due to it being cheaper to drill and refine low octane gasoline than plant and distill alcohol at the time. Now AC is still better than even the best DC, and ethanol is cheaper and higher quality but everyone has a good list of options from cheap to midrange to top shelf stuff. We have high voltage AC power lines but most of our stuff is small 12volt DC devices. And Alcohol is a popular racing fuel whereas most people burn gasoline to travel. In most cases it doesn't matter as much if it's better as how it's handled

We'll just have to see if this goes anywhere.