Hi guys,
I had no idea what was given to me until I searched the net & found this site. I've owned many Honda's over the years but knew nothing about the vx.
Mine was given to me by a friend last Aug. I went up & loaded it up on my 16' utility trailer & brought it home. I was planning on using it as a winter car so it sat in my back driveway until the first threat of snow. I didn't even bother w/ getting the tittle changed over until a few weeks ago.
When I brought it home it needed a new battery & I had the alternator checked. Got a used alt coming from Ebay. Got 37.67 on my first tank. It's not running right. Has the hesitation problem, I'm sure I keep kicking the vtec in to try & maintain a steady speed. Don't know for sure, but was told that a weak alternator w/ an open diode can cause that.
I've been reading about 02 sensor problems & TPS as a cause for this. How would I know for sure? BTW, mine is a red rust bucket. I've been thinking about new quarter panels, both sides on Ebay 80 bucks. I'd install them w/ 3M's panel adhesive instead of mig welding. I saw a bodywork buddy of mine use this method on a 10 yr old Dodge Ram & achieved factory looking results. I'd have to do something w/ the inner panels too. The good thing is that the car has been owned by the same family since 95 & I just turned over 115,000 miles a few days ago.
Five or six years ago I was looking to buy an Insight but new nothing about the legendary vx or I would have bought one of those years ago. At the moment I'm thinking about doing a rebuild on the panels next year when I put my del Sol back on the road. I get 40-42 on my S & I thought that was the non-hybrid Honda mileage champ. I'm very excited to see a 47/57 EPA rating for a 94. This car has potential, we car rebuild!