I am happy to find real results for the KZ250. Thank you.
My testing is a little different: I assume that bikes are likely to burn more fuel the faster we go. Therefore, I put a lot of faith in the 125 miles between Salinas and San Luis Obispo, CA. on Highway 101. In the summer time, anyway, heading south at 11 am, we buck a 30+ mph headwind. Departing SLO at 6 pm, the winds have reversed, turning into a headwind, becoming a ferocious 40+ mph by King City. I admit this is extreme. but id does represent real riding in my area.
This extreme wind is caused by the temp differential between the cool ocean and the hot interior. The Salinas Valley is a funnel.
The experience as reported by contestants in the Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Contests of the 1980s was to leave the carbs and jetting alone. Some reported improvements with different exhausts, tho. I never understood why since any "improvement" would likely be to produce more power. A KZ250 does not need more power, does it?
The simple solution seemed to be"Streamline it and gear it up"
I can't wait to see what happens with your KZ as you streamline it. Everything should improve.