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Old 12-16-2009, 07:53 PM   #39 (permalink)
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In my opinion the majority of those ten billion brains aren't idiots. The real problem is that they will not have access to a good education (a brain is a terrible thing to waste, yada yada yada).

I think this is THE most important aspect of culture that no one really has. If we ALL had equal education, then many of the problems we have now would never come about. Unfortunately this is not the case, and is why our way of life (capitalism, essentially) is inherently flawed because educating everyone equally is impossible. Education is hugely important, and is a big bottleneck that can easily be taken advantage of for better or for worse. The best we can do in our own little spheres of influence is to try to educate the assh***s and the ignorant instead of immediately dismissing them. If they need dismissing, at least do it with a lesson :P
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