I have heard about this for years, UPS trying to eliminate as many left turns as possible. If you've got a ton of places to go and have the power to just run your route differently without really going much more distance, then it's great.
For the average driver, it's probably more trouble than it's worth most of the time.
However one thing I do a lot, is just think about where I have to go from a birds eye view. I am going to have to make a left somewhere and usually there are quite a few places I could make a left and still get to the same place. So I choose to do it in a location that is the easiest, and go the same distance.
Making a left from a busy stoplight with no arrow has gotta be one of the most asinine things designed. The city must benefit from the tickets and accidents. Whenever possible, I always try to turn at the street before the light. That way when it is red at least everyone is stopped enough to safely turn, and enough time to get between the ones turning right from the light.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver