For instance, if I can ever find the reference (I'm terrible at bookmarking anything I read, if you can't tell), there were a couple air-throttled diesel compression ignition engines back in the 40's, maybe 50's (?).
They used a throttle and had a vacuum fuel control on the IP, but were still compression ignition. My guess (I don't know anything about them) is that they were either unreliable, or unrealistic (in terms of fuel use/power/etc.), and didn't have an expert marketing team backing them up like Soccer Mom's and SUV's.
"¿ʞɐǝɹɟ ɐ ǝɹ,noʎ uǝɥʍ 'ʇı ʇ,usı 'ʎlǝuol s,ʇı"