Originally Posted by mcrews
I am happy you emailed me. The On Star thing was meant to be funny more than anything else, but I see nobody found it funny, so forget that. But you mentioned in the email how car companies like it when we do not change our oil often enough- remember? The ON Star rant was lumping together how GM keeps trying to make $$$ after the sale.
And you too have to repeat the quote "Why agonize so much over an oil change?" Well for starters YOU cared enough to email me about it for starters!!
I do wonder why you bothered to email about that report then come on the public forms and ASK ME why I care? Is that not strange? You cared enough to email me.... So I'm now asking what others think. I never named your name until you came out, but YOU must think it's important enough to email me about that report. I stand corrected over who did the test- big deal.
mcrews: Maybe you think you are helping me here, but that is not how it comes off. So I ranted about On Star, is it the first time anybody went off topic on this site? I was hoping the On Star rant would make some people think while giving people a good laugh too. And I made a mistake about who the report was from, am I the only member to make a mistake here? Yes I have a new car, and I was glad to get your email about when to change the oil because I want this car to last as long as possible, but why do you need to DIS me on the forums here and go along with the quote: "Why agonize so much over an oil change?" - DUDE YOU ARE THE ONE THAT BROUGHT IT TO MY ATTENTION? I could ask YOU the same question! How about a little REAL help and less striding on the fence?
If it makes anyone feel better, it's not like I have had many new cars, and I am in no way trying to say "Hey I got a new car". A car is a car and I want it to last as long as I can, no matter how many miles or on it.