The Wife and I were making gingerbread cookies for the Holidays when I decided to go with
Darin's example and made a few with the EM logo shape.
Also following Darin's example I'll pig out on all of them, hahahahahahahahaha :evilsneer: Actually, there are only three, just enough for the Wife's niece and two nephews. It's just eyefood for the rest of the EM crowd :evenmoreevilsneer:
OK, I'm not really that evil and can't keep it up for long, so sorry there's not more. Maybe next time... They look a little burned, but they taste
MUCH better than they look

Actually all complements for the cookies should go to my Wife - she put in more work than I did, I cut the shape, and the icing is my Dad-in-law's lemon-flavored specialty.
I can see boxes of these being sent around the world, with the profits going towards automotive efficiency research. Think: Girl scout cookies. If only I had an EM logo shaped cookie cutting form... winkwink at EcoModder's merchandising dept
(Paraphrasing a scene from Spaceballs):
SVOboy: Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the forum is made. EcoModder the T-shirt. EcoModder the lunchbox. EcoModder the coloring book. EcoModder... the flamethrower! Kids love it. And my favorite, EcoModder the Doll -- me!
[Pulls string]
Doll: May the FE be with you!