The Enginer actually has 4 options now. A 2, 4, 6, and 8 kWh pack. I got the 4kWh pack as it is currently on sale for $1200 less than normal!
The problem with the bolts is the tapped holes need to be chased just to open them up a little bit. Nothing that is horrible, just annoying.
Anyway, I forgot to mention this in the first post. One thing I'm not happy with is I was expecting to get 4 cell balancers with the 4kWh kit. A few days after ordering, I got an email from Jack saying I needed to wire the balancers in parallel as shown below. IMO this is NOT what you want. One cell could go bad or even just age faster than the other that it is in parallel with and the balancer would be useless in detecting this problem until both cells go bad.
I am in contact with Enginer trying to see if they'll provide me with the two more balancers that I had assumed I would get.