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Old 12-24-2009, 05:24 PM   #5 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Well thanks for the nice response fellows, the main reson for this question is you pay about 2or 3 dolars per gallon at the moment i am not shure but we (in europa) pay about 6 or 7 dollars thats is when its cheap.

For my prius ithink it would make nice difference btw the kilowatt is around 40 cents in euros that is so how would tis be practical whive oem hv battery?

We have 230 volt and 50 herz from the grid,and the prius 2006 will have 240 volts dc 80 persent at soc?

Some kind off current limmeting would have to be implied to make to make a good loader ? im a DIY guy so would like to have go at this.

I do not know how it would work for the Insight, but i notist a simularity when i start my car and it is cold it dos not run on ICE but electric and then it after half a mile it revs up the ICE and , runs on that.

I think we could have some thing usefull here

Last edited by milnhir; 12-25-2009 at 05:40 PM..
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