Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Bah, it doesn't have to be above freezing for driveway mechanik work! 
Reminds me of my younger days, only car was a Maverick w/302. Water pump went out in February. A -20* February. The parking lot of the apartment building was the work area. Good thing they didn't make parts out of aluminum back then! As it was, I had to break out the propane torch to warm up a couple of water pump bolts whose heads snapped off! Now, I just make sure I have extra cars! BTW, it wouldn't be driveway work. The friend's extra cars are out in a pasture. BRRRRR!!!!!!!!

'96 Escort LX, now known as "deerslayer"
'84 Merc Grand Marquis, affectionately known as "le barge"
~35,000 mostly 2 lane highway miles a year.
I was born a Rambler man, but with the passing of AMC (sigh), just give me another Ford.
How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?
~ ~ ~
Hey, ya wanna go ride bikes?