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Old 12-26-2009, 02:30 PM   #20 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Don't forget, that as the filter is used, some of the pores in the filter media plug up. This is normal. Over the life span of the filter, it will actually become more effective at removing finer particles. If you use an oversize filter, you deny yourself that improvement to a large degree.

If your car experiences regular/frequent circumstances where the filter goes into bypass mode, due to cold oil or a truly plugged filter, you have other and bigger problems that I would fix first. Maybe, for you, that means an oversized oil filter.

But, until confronted by evidence of its necessity, I wouldn't go oversize.

Back when I was young and dumb, I set up a subaru with the super duper amazing two stage remote oil filter, with the second stage filtering down in the one micron range. Amsoil sells them. The guy I sold the car to got a little hole poked in the rad and he drove it that way until it grossly overheated and toasted the engine.

Really, even cheap name-brand filters do a pretty creditable job.

Finest regards,

2004 VW TDI PD on bio

want to build 150 mpg diesel streamliner.
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