Only available for the next 24 hours. Sale ends 00:00:01 December 31st, 2009 EST.
There are very few things that will make you feel worse than needing something and only having half of what you need... kool-aid but no sugar, ramen noodles but no water, a gas can with no fuel or anything electronic without batteries.
Do the right thing and ditch the batteries. This is powered by you cranking the handle. If the power goes out and you forgot to charge your cell phone, this lantern is going to make you really happy.
12 LED light lantern
3 LED torch
3 red LED emergency/hazard light
Siren & hazard light
AM/FM radio
Night light
Mobile phone charger
Item Size: 3" W x 10.5"H
The link:
Steal One - A New Steal Every Day