Originally Posted by instarx
The fact is, from the very first engine Otto Diesel built, diesels have always been direct injection. Direct injection of fuel into hot compressed air in the cylinder is the main principle on which diesel engines are based.
Wrong, I believe you are mixing up what direct and indirect mean in terms of a diesel versus a gasser for example.
In a diesel Indirect injection occurs in a prechamber and was common practice on most smaller auto motors up until very recently, my 89 6.2 diesel suburban is not true direct injection for example.
On Gas motors indirect injection normally meant throttle body injection which is impossible to implement on any automotive size diesel motors that I know of and likely that is what you are thinking of, it simply can't work that way on a diesel only gas. But never the less a diesel can be indirect injection and most automotive diesels up until very recently where indirect as in having a prechamber.