On my dream car: "My name is Allie Moore Prius and my batteries are full." (Where "Allie Moore Prius" is written to emphasize the capitals - "AMP".) Below it, it will say something like "500 MPG".
I'll also have a cartoon of a knight (Allie Moore) thrusting a sword (LiFePO4) through a dragon (OPEC) on the front page of the design documents that I will always keep in the glove compartment if anyone ever asks questions. (And to make an Aggie reference, Allie would be yelling "BTHO OPEC!")
If America manages to eliminate obesity, we would save as much fuel as if every American were to stop driving for three days every year. To be slender like Tiffany Yep is to be a real hypermiler...
Allie Moore and I have a combined carbon footprint much smaller than that of one average American...