Welcome to the group.
Want to keep your cake and eat it at the same time ?
Let me entice you to the dark, sooty side.
Where we combine 300+ lb/ft with over 50 MPG.
Where we embarass more expensive machinery in cheap hatchbacks.
The payback ?
A powerband of only 3000 rpm and your car will sound like a tractor.
The power thing is addictive though. I sprang the equivalent of over 3000 USD last year on mechanical upgrades (clutch, flywheel) and was about to spend on other bits (suspension, brakes etc.) in prep for a power upgrade via remapping, FMIC, uprated intake, exhaust and so on.
But I saw the light before going down that route and now look for better FE. At least I have stronger and hopefully more reliable parts - I ditched the standard Dual Mass Flywheel for example just like local Taxis do, and they go to the moon and back in terms of mileage.
You will start to get competitive in other ways though, you will start trying to beat your last tank every time. It will be a never ending quest. Soon instead of being annoyed when you get stuck behind a dawdling oldie you will physically feel the loss of FE each time your instant reading drops below your target.
Its like the oil company is just reaching in and removing the notes from your wallet.
Or maybe thats just me.