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Old 01-02-2010, 10:06 PM   #561 (permalink)
Dartmouth 2010
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Originally Posted by RobertSmalls View Post
The 2000-03 Insight has an oil-to-water heat exchanger, mounted between the filter and oil pan. 04-06 models do not. You could delete the heat exchanger, which is ~3cm thick, but I bet you'd need a shorter oil filter base bolt off an 04-06, unless you can cut yours down and cut threads in it. See page 8-9 in the FSM.
I thought about this, but it wouldn't have worked, there was too much overlap. Plus, I want that exchanger! Even though one of the lines on it is leaking coolant right now...but I have hose to fix that!

Also, Ty, I plan to make a custom xmember, some people have done it, it's just a pipe welded to two plates that bolt up to where they go, basically. I'll do it when I have some more time.

Anyway, back to trying to put the front end of the car together. Not every task in the engine bay is done, mind you, but I'm putting it back together in the hopes that none of the remaining tasks really require me to pull it apart again

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