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Old 01-03-2010, 05:32 PM   #14 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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One point: Get the jack-stands that have a pin that locks the extension in place. Do not use the ratchet-type ones; if you bump them wrong hard enough they will let go and drop the car on you. A friend of mine had to have his face re-built after such an incident a few years ago.

Electrical tools can come in handy. Most especially a multi-meter. A cheapo Rat Shack $20 one is more than good enough for most automotive use.

Feeler gauges are very necessary for some chores, but many of those chores are not needed on new cars. (E.g., many cars now have self-adjusting valve clearances, self-adjusting brake clearances, do not have points to set the gap on, etc.) Check through the maintenance procedures for your car and get a set if you need them.

Do you have a good manual? Chilton's seem most useful for catching oil drips under the car. Haynes is sometimes a little better. The factory manuals are generally the best, but can be costly. In some cases you can download copies of the factory manuals on line, but that may be illegal in many cases.

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