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Old 01-04-2010, 08:55 PM   #34 (permalink)
The $500 Electric Car
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8" motor on its way. Capacitors on their way. Mouser order on its way. DigiKey order on its way. Let's get this party started! Now all I need is 10 mosfets, one current sensor, and a partridge in a pear tree, uhhhm, I mean a "transient voltage suppressor, 19v". Seems DigiKey and Mouser don't carry it any more?? Mouser called it "obsolete" and I couldn't get it put on backorder with DigiKey like the mosfets for some reason (all I got was a screen saying "wrong quantity ordered"). Anyway, I'll probably have to order more parts as I burn up the ones I get so I'm not worried about it.......
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