I've taught a number of people to drive stick, each one took about an hour before they were master of the hill start.
First thing I did was find a high school parking lot and have them learn the clutch, no gas, just the clutch, they will stall the vehicle about 10-15 times and you need to tell them this, that they will stall the vehicle but it's part of learning how it feels to feather the clutch, after the new driver is good with the clutch then and ONLY then let them use the gas with the clutch, learning both at the same time can take hours, learning one then the other goes really quick taking only minutes, once you get up to the speed where you would shift then you let them press the clutch and coast, while you are learning to shift you can take your time but if you get it stuck in their head that they have to shift while coasting it's easier to master, shifting from 1st to 2nd is the hardest.
Because they are now good at feathering the clutch they are now going to be great at the hill start, find a hill on a back road, driveway, or some other out of the way place and start out the same way as learning the clutch only this time they are using the brake as well, once the clutch starts to grab have them switch their right foot from the brake to the gas...
As I said, I've done this with a number of people who have never driven stick before and it took about an hour each before they were good at doing a hill start.