Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Hi Phil,
A refinement of this method is to insert the photo into a CAD program, and scale its size accurately (by measuring a known distance in the photo), and then trace the outline of the car with a polyline. This has to be done manually, but it not all that hard, and it is pretty accurate. Then the CAD program can simply tell you the area. (It can also tell you things like the perimeter length.)
I think that the photo is the hardest to get right -- I think that there are photo editors that can correct the photo for perspective distortion; if the camera is digital and a known brand and model, if the lens is a standard model. Barrel distortion and other types of geometric distortions can be corrected for in a decent quality dSLR camera.
A troglodite as myself should have been aware that today's software would not see calculating a described area as a challenge.
I'm doing a huge form of Darin's self-administered head-slap!
And I now vaguely remember that Darin "calculated" frontal areas like this before at the forum.Duh!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't senility wonderful!