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Old 01-06-2010, 08:12 PM   #39 (permalink)
The $500 Electric Car
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I wish that was the monster motor, but alas, it is but a spec of a motor in the EV world! It is easily twice the motor of E-Sandra though. I took a bunch of pictures but none turned out. The armature looks nice though. It's rated at 103 amps, so we'll see how long it will take for me to melt it. Honestly, I wouldn't have gotten it if I had known this little tidbit: it is F class insulation. Made for up to 155 degrees rather than H class which is 180 degrees (celsius). Oh well, it's only money, time, effort, durability.....
79 lbs
3 KW
It would make a good bike motor I bet......
I got some DigiKey stuff too......

At least the cat approves of the motor.....

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