Yeah I hear you. Thanks for the suggestion. Most designers of springs never consider fatigue in their design much less creep. Most material suppliers don't even have the data required. Mil Handbook 5 is a great source of this data. I suspected the injectors and replaced them with rebuilds from Parts Place. Unfortunately, their supplier used 1 of four bodies from a different crack point injector and I was about to send them back but I got a Mil surplus injector tester off e-Bay and was able restore it to operating condition and confirm they all had the correct crack point. No improvement so far as I could tell. Its all been in the timing. Too bad it is a challenge to instrument the MPG on this vehicle. I've thought of setting up a % of throttle indicator, so I could tell if drafting was of benefit. That, combined with an EGT gauge, might make optimization within the 2.5 degree range of the cold start advance possible real time.