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Old 01-09-2010, 02:49 AM   #37 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Sort of off topic but 'sorta' along the same topic : At my job, we throw away tons of products each year that have virtually nothing wrong with them.
For example, one that comes to mind was this tool box :

Do you know what was wrong with it ?

Get this ... there is a built in radio within the tool chest. The customer returned it because the antenna broke.
( a typical radio antenna attached to the back with four screws. )

Rather than have the company ship a new antenna, our genius bosses decided to get store credit on the chest. Since the cost of shipping the chest ( $ 1898 ) back to the merchant would have been greater than the cost of scrapping it, it was destroyed without so much as grease mark it.
When I walked back to receiving, the guys were smashing it with a hammer and spray painting it. Lowe's policy is that a product that is still good has to be destroyed so that it can not be used again. This is to prevent any underhand theft.

Such a shame what greed has done, that it has to come to this.

I called corporate about the matter, and the environmental department manager there seemed genuinely concerned about it. As he pointed out, there is also a 'fridge built into the chest that should have been drained of gasses before disposal.

In years past, as I have opened the compactor, I have seen all sorts of horrible things that have been thrown away, such as mowers filled with gas, paints, muriatic acid, .... I have to wonder how many times that people can do something like that without starting a fire !!

Yet another thing that comes to mind was an entire truckload of roses that came in. They were marked wrong and thrown away only hours after arrival .

If someone is scheduled wrong and the plants go a few days without water they go into the dumpster.

My grandfather used to work for Alcoa. He recalled them disposing of all sorts of things in to the bay, such as vehicles filled with gas and oil, batteries, poisons ... you name it.

It's no wonder that Calhoun County was rated as the most toxic place in America just a few years back. ( And my parents grew up drinking that water ..... say .....I wonder if that s why I'm so crazy ! )

O.K. back on topic. Sorry Frankie
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