Originally Posted by mrbigh
-Current sensor reading on DC (battery side) input? End user optional decision and budget.
As of right now, we are able to compute the battery amps inside the micro controller very accurately. This how we limit the battery amps. In my testing of the battery amps limit testing last week, I was commanding a 20A limit and with my fluke meter, I was showing 21A on the battery terminals. I also set it to 100A limit and then showed 100.5A on the fluke meter!! with both of those, its about 1% error. Not bad for doing it based of motor current!!
So adding an additional current sensor and circuitry needed to measure battery amps when its not really needed would just end up costing about $30 more when the feature is already in place for free.
EDIT: Ive attached a picture of the Fluke meter with the reading. Look at the computer in the background, You can see Battery_Amps_Limit = 100 and the meter says -100.5 because I had it on backwards. LOL. Enjoy!!