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Old 01-10-2010, 12:49 AM   #46 (permalink)
Frank Lee
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Originally Posted by Cd View Post
Sort of off topic but 'sorta' along the same topic : At my job, we throw away tons of products each year that have virtually nothing wrong with them... O.K. back on topic. Sorry Frankie
No apology necessary; in fact you are squarely on topic!

Back in the day it never occurred to me to dumpster dive, especially with the intent of looking for things to eat. It all started innocently enough when I was out for a recreational walk. As per my usual practice of trying to leave a place better for my being there, I found some garbage in the street, picked it up, and was looking for a place to toss it. I happened to be walking behind the K-Mart and went to the open bin to toss the garbage. What did I see, but the pot at the end of the rainbow! The clouds parted and angels sang; there was no leprechaun, but there was about 1,000 packets of wildflower and garden seeds, everything you could think of, as well as plastic trays to hold and organize them! My theory is, they had a lot of their lawn and garden stuff set up outside and a little downburst came along and wetted the packets, prompting someone to declare them unfit for sale (again, just my theory). Well... I went home and came back with the truck and loaded that baby up. I gave seeds to family and friends for years and as far as I know all the seeds were good!

After that it just became a habit to walk by there and take a peek to see what else might end up in that dumpster. Next thing I found was a nice desk fan, it had a crack in the base and was filthy but I cleaned it up and oiled the motor and it works just fine. Then there were the discarded display cases, perhaps they were for jeans or clothes, with nice formica shelves, wow they are perfect in the garage! There was that kitchen chair that just needed some glue and screws... the taped up bags of kitty litter... and one of those times I noticed the food: bags upon bags of Doritos, gallons and gallons of milk, cartons and cartons of eggs, you name it.

The rest is history.

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