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Old 01-11-2010, 08:45 PM   #11 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Originally Posted by MadisonMPG View Post
Depending on your health, you should try to cycle. 1 mile is super easy on a bike. I did a mile in 8 minutes, and that was taking my time. I mean, barely pedaling.
Well, I see you live in Alabama, and maybe you are still young. I live on Long Island, which is coastal NY. Right now the temps are about 20 degrees, usually with a stiff wind added, which often makes it feel closer to zero. Believe it or not, 20 degrees with humidity and wind feels a lot colder and more uncomfortable than 10 below zero with no humidity or wind. On a bike in winter? No way. Besides, there's usually ice or snow on the ground here much of the time in winter.

I'm 'on the wrong side of 50'. I'm is very good physical shape and usually do that one mile commute in summer on my racing bike, and also in spring/fall as long as I can stand it. But I can't do it at all in winter. Wind chill is often brutal, even in walking several blocks - bicycling is virtually impossible, unless you want frostbite - virtually guaranteed when moving 15 mph, or even 5 mph. Being in pain is no fun. I appreciate the seat warmer in my car because the 10 minute commute is also cold, even in an enclosed vehicle, which barely reaches operating temp.

The funny thing about communicating with others on a worldwide list is that we tend to assume that the weather is the same everywhere else as where we are. Considering that the folks in Florida, California and Hawaii think of their environment as being always warm, the folks in the Northeast, the Great Lakes, Canada and Alaska barely get above teeth-chattering weather in winter.

Last edited by Thymeclock; 01-11-2010 at 08:52 PM..
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