Yup, that's soon to be the change in my commute
I recently got offered a new job and the offices are actually visible from the windows of my flat. My new "commute" will involve about two minutes of walking each way! To put that into perspective, it would take longer for me to walk from some areas of the car park in my current job to get to my desk than it'll take to get from my bed to my desk in my new job...
My current commute involves a 3.6 mile, 15 minute drive in traffic with speeds varying between a crawl and 40mph, with frequent slowing and speeding up for traffic lights and roundabouts. If I'm lucky I can do the whole journey without coming to a halt once, but this rarely happens. In the recent snow it's taken even longer.
I've attempted cycling in the past but my fitness isn't up to the level needed to deal with the hills, and my guts aren't up to the lunatic drivers I come across on the way so I quickly gave up on that plan. It just left me unnecessarily tired and stressed! I also used the metro system for a while, but it was costing me more in fares than it costs me in petrol to drive and takes fifteen minutes longer, so that idea was abandoned too.
Needless to say though, I'm chuffed. My car can now be solely used for fun