"I think diesel is much BETTER for a rolling science project. That leaves open experimentation with Bio-diesel and waste vegetable oil!"
Kind of that I was thinking too. I also want to experiment with turbo/supercharging to increase my hp/lb and therefore kw/lb and also increase total efficiency by reducing pumping losses. A supercharged propane injected waste vegetable oil buring engine just has a nice ring to it. And I am much more apt to experiment with something that could be swapped out any any time for a different engine.
I've also been very interested in biogas recently, made from anaerobically digested waste. This could be used just like natural gas/propane, but at a higher rate due to a lower btu/lb content. The problem then becomes compressing it safely, probably at pretty low pressures, which means low range (but on 100% recycled carbon fuels). This is kind of off topic for now though, since I've committed to the diesel already. Should be here in about 5 days.