Originally Posted by wdb
You guys are lucky. Where I live, if someone puts something out for the trash it's BROKE. (This drives my wife, who is accustomed to living among people with more "disposable" income, crazy.) I guess I live in the land of the cheapskate.
And my cats' idea of shelf life is something on the order of minutes. Anything deader than that doesn't even get played with.
This is kind of relative... everything you see is "broke" to some degree, but it's not as important as the
level to which it is broken.
Often, it's something stupid that just makes life a little less convenient, such as a small crack that had terminated on both ends in the corner of a flat panel plasma TV. I picked it up and sold it for $500 a week later.
There's a guy back in one of the podunk towns I used to live in (Gratz, PA) that picks up "junk", refurbishes it, and sells it back to the local residents. He's seen people come in and buy back their old stuff not recognizing it, then finds it on the curb again the next spring.
He jokes that he could make his living on the same 30 pieces of furniture, because they've been recycled so many times.