Thanks for the comments Daox....
As for tire pressure - 2,5 bar allready makes the car feel a bit jumpy - so I'm not going to put more in. Maybee when I put sommer tires on.
As for the K&N filter - I have worked with theese for more than 10 years, and know the product very well - and I only have good experiences with it. But never mind that - the OM filter was very dirty, and needed to be replaced, and my K&N will have payed for it selves in only 4 filter changes or 80.000 km. Extra milages with K&N is limited on the 1.0 L engine.
I know from experience from 5 of my own privious cars, that K&N airfilter element i the airfilter box plus isolating the intake tupe and airfilterbox with heat defelcting material will together usualy give about + 10% in milage.
So the next mood - hopefully this weekend - will be to isolate the air intake tube and filterbox with heat defelcting material, and relocate the intake tube so that it get more cold air in.
As for instrumentation - for the time beeing I wil rely on the onbeard computer, and at the next srvice (80.000 km) I will replace the cooling fluid with a special one, that has much better heatremoving capabilities. It also has a 5 year life time.
I will try to find the specs for you. It's very effektive and has solved problems for a lot of folks over here, having overheating problem in summer, for instance when towing their caravan in southern europe.
Hopefully, the current mods will show up next time I go to the gas station