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Old 01-15-2010, 04:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Cold air intake

Tomorrow - if it dosen't rain - I'm going to build an cold air intake on the Yaris.

The reason for doing this is, at cold air is denser that hot air, and there for hold more oxygen.
When feeding colder air in to the engine, you also feed in extra oxygen. which means that you raise the effectivness of the engine.

If for instance you can lower the temperature of the air intake with 40 degrees centigrade, you can have in theory 12% more power.

Practically though - maybee only 70% of that = 8%

In most cars engine bays the tempoerature can easy reach about 80 - 90 degrees centigrade. Especially an a car as the Yars where the exhaust manifold is located in the front, just behind the radiator.

It throws a lot of warm air in to the engine room.

What I'm going to do is this:

Intake tube:
Isolate with heat defelction material and relocate mouth in between the front light and radiator, hveres there's a gab open to the front whre cold air gets in.

Airfilter box.
Cover entire box with heat reflecting material, as to keep hte air as cool as possible as long as possible towards the intake manifold.

Intake manifold. If I can get to it, I will also isolate the intake manifold with heat defecting material, but at first glance, I thing theres not enough room to work in to do it properly.
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