100 million barrels yearly saved for 21million barrels a DAY?
that is ridiculous.
In another thread here, speaking of the craziest non-aerodynamic vehicle. I spoke of the square 4x4 jacked up saving fuel with larger treads dropping rpms on a v8.
that is all engineering takes for some vehicles to maintain the same consumption with more ground covered (in example 55 to 65)... anybody get my point?
I even applied this to a subaru that came with 13 inch wheels, simply giving it 15 inch has me in the same consumption 5-7mph faster...and gets me off the highway quicker. Call that efficient in my book.
I look forward to 75mph, and midget thoughts getting squashed back to thier midget roads, further not preventing evolution of humanity and automobiles.
Seriously. There is rigs at 90mph loaded at 5mpg, the same as the 1981 cornbinder with less weight at 55mph...what is more efficeint? what best get out of the damn way?