I read at least one person state that they preferred going faster (even at a lower mpg/higher cost) so as to spend a few more minutes with their family (very understandable). In my humble opinion, we each have the -personal choice- of traveling at, above, or below the current speed limit. If I suggested that an extra couple mpg in my Civic is worth legislating another person to spend more time driving (in the case above, to and from his family), wouldn't it be a pretty self-centered attitude on my part? (family>>>mpg)
Also my Silverado gets 16-17mpg mostly independent of how I drive it, so a lower speed limit on it has a pretty minimal effect on fuel costs for the rest of society. I like the idea of allowing the individual driver to choose whats more valuable for their individual needs... mpg or less time on the road (why they upped the interstates to 65mph). If the other guy's going home to see his kids and is ok spending the extra dollars on gas to get there sooner wouldn't it be more considerate of me to just stay in the right lane at 62mph and let him pass me @ 72mph than slow him down to humor my pursuit of hypermiling?