your science teacher drives a front wheel transverse drivetrain. It brings a disease to teachers as well.
he forgetting we got two legs attached to the hip, attached to a central nervous system...attached to...
a bit more than a foot is happening to walk, we kill most of the energy away with a pendulum of balance, before even moving forward, unless sprinting like a steroided olympic runner...or an inline four....
you know 200% more effort for 20mph faster rather than torquing balance.
the same two feet could be pumping a gear ratio on crank...for 40mph faster...
linear to revolution, it is sOOOOOOO confusing for people who end up in charge of it's engineering.
not to be evil. We all got a path. me typing with two fingers for example..highly unlikely pc builder, and runner...
those that do get a real balance through thier heads end up the leaders for a long time, nameless.
how is that good for marketing eough food for 1 billion people?
god comes down like a haitian eartquakle eventually. stand leaders stand.