In the midst of $4 per gallon hysteria, I started a thread about this a year and a half ago. The discussion in it was very good, if I do say so myself:
I came to my own personal conclusion that speed limits are a foolish and misguided way to save fuel nationally.
1) Most fuel is wasted idling at parking lots or stuck in traffic, NOT cruising at 70mph on the highway.
2) It costs a great deal of money and fuel to enforce speed limits, reducing the gains you are trying to make.
As one person noted very early on in this thread, let's encourage manufacturers to make more efficient vehicles that can do 60-70mph and still get 50mpg. It's do-able ... but not if we are going to be driving gas guzzling, squared-off pieces of $#i+ that get terrible economy at
any speed.
Until then, please err on the side of freedom.